Induced preoccupation is accentuated by synchronized repetition of belief fragments which resonate with and thus amplify the already existing beliefs making the believer actually see what he believes. That is why believers of any faith see what they believe when in trance while meditating. This seems to be more of a neuronal phenomenon and needs to be scientifically studied to get an objective insight into belief systems. However any metaphysical experience with tangible physical outcome seen by others too would not be explained just by preoccupation-obsession-delusion triad and would require some sort of spiritual deliberation instead of a purely neuronal explanation. One can make an active search for such metaphysical phenomena and subject them to scientific analysis to get to the truth.
The importance of
synchronized repetition is quite evident from the fact that this is
part of almost every belief system presently known. We don't know if the 'persona' resulting from the induced preoccupation following synchronized repetition of belief fragments survives the physical death of the believer or perishes along with his physical body. There is also a possibility that a strong belief could resonate with other minds and amplify their much weaker beliefs.
With the present little metaphysical knowledge every belief cannot be
scientifically proven or rejected. Believing in something, though, seems
good for psychological health as it makes life simple, gives hope and
provides comfort in times of distress. It also produces an inner sense
of security and being looked after helping us to face adverse
situations. However many a time it is associated with a varying degree
of 'religious exhibitionism' which annoys others and puts them on the
back foot because of the apparently embedded message of انا خیر منکم
(holier than thou). This 'religious exhibitionism' should be
deliberately kept in check to avoid our belief becoming an obsession
hampering our ability of logical reasoning. We should also avoid falling
for the resultant delusions which might force us to make drastic
changes in life at personal level or try imposing our belief on others
one way or another.
Of course it's a fine balance and requires a lot of intellectual gimmickry.
Sometimes its only the belief that has kept people alive
& no ones' beliefs are better than others'
Its just different